
Here is a short list of TED Talks given by great thinkers from the creative world on a range of topics that will stir your imagination.

Creative Thinking - How to Get Out of the Box and Generate Ideas

Talk by Giovanni Corazza

Corazza talks about why we think in the box and how to think outside the box utilizing long thinking.

A Powerful Way to Unleash Your Natural Creativity

Talk by Tim Harford

Tim Harford highlights slow-motion multitasking’s effect on creativity. References several studies conducted on scientists who achieved significant milestones throughout their careers.

Give Yourself Permission to be Creative

Talk by Ethan Hawke

His talk focuses on the importance of knowing ourselves and why that is crucial in any artist’s creative process.

The Art of Creativity

Talk by Taika Waititi

In this Talk, movie director Taika Waititi recounts his experience with creativity and shares experiences from his creative processes.

Success, Failure and the Drive to Keep Creating

Talk by Elizabeth Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilbert shares how creatives can overcome failure and make their love for creativity transcend any shortcomings they might face.

Steal Like An Artist

Talk by Austin Kleon

Kleon gives a snippet of his book Steal Like an Artist that discusses ways to build creativity from the daily creative content we encounter.

Why Don't We finish things? An Artist's View

Talk by Robert Davis

This TedTalk delves into why we may not complete projects and ways to finish them.

Why Art is Important?

Talk by Katerina Gregos

Here Gregos examines the importance of art and its effects on society.

How to Build Your Creative Confidence

Talk by David Kelley

Discusses Albert Bandura’s framework of self-mastery in getting over phobias and applies it to creativity.

How to Succeed as an Artist in Spite of Your Own Creativity?

Talk by Tom Sachs

In this discourse, Tom Sachs engages with the concept of sympathetic magic – how to make things real. He also explores how to succeed as an artist.

How Drawing Helps You Think ?

Talk by Ralph Ammer

Ralph Ammer explains drawing your thoughts can be a powerful tool for improving your thinking, creativity, and communication. Through this talk, he wants you to believe in your drawing abilities and provides numerous exercises to help you get started.

The Right Way to Use Your Right Brain?

Talk by Thimappa Hegde

In this talk, Hedge outlines different techniques to push our brains to think more creatively.

The Danger of a Single Story

Talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

In this video, novelist Adichie talks about how she was able to find her authentic voice as a writer.

The 7 Steps of Creative Thinking

Talk by Raphael Di Luzio

Raphel Di Luzio outlines seven practical ways one can remain creative.

3 Tools to Become More Creative

Talk by Balder Onarheim

Balder Onarheim analyzes examples of creative minds from which he draws out three ways you can increase creativity.

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