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About Us

Creativity is the portal to elevating your consciousness and living a vibrant life

Open City Experiences offers innovative , eye-opening connections and in-person experiences to help inspire and grow the well-being of creatives in the Rome community and beyond.

Open City experiences is driven by elevating consciousness. When we do this on an individual level, like a ripple effect, this expands positive awareness and healing out to our loved ones, network, local community… and beyond. We focus on our creativity, helping people to unblock their artistic selves and share their message with the world. 

Whether you are a blocked creative looking to get back to your practice, or a thriving artist who craves brainstorming and connection – or maybe you’re not sure where you are, but know something needs to change – our community is there to help you on your journey of growing your most extraordinary self.

While there is a plethora of online and virtual experiences available to us all – we believe that there is a deep value in connecting to a mentor or teacher in person, and to be part of a live community.

We invite you to join us today

Open City experiences is a hub for creative development in Rome – for all those seeking to expand their well-being through artistry

Our Story

About Us

A former New Yorker living in Rome since 2006, Open City experiences founder Claudia Palmira established a successful design and art studio soon after relocating to the Eternal City. Like many who relocate abroad, she found herself having to adapt to the local way of life – and the Roman way of life had many differences from her hometown. 

But some things are hard to give up.

One of the things she missed about living in New York was the ability to take workshops  and go on retreats at places like Omega, Caron, The Psychodrama Institute, the 92nd Street Y, Open Center, Integral Yoga and dozens of others. She trained as an experiential therapist and art therapist, so that she could pass this work on to others in her adopted hometown of Rome.

In 2011, she founded Rome Photography Workshop, which offers photography courses by professional photographers using Rome as the backdrop. From 2016-2018, her venture Restart Retreats held three exceptional therapeutic retreats in Tuscany. She has participated in the ICAAD Conference in London and Rome since 2017, and leads frequent workshops for students studying abroad. Finally, in 2018, Open City experiences was born. In 2020, her online art classes for all ages helped many during that isolating time of the pandemic. Following that, the Group for Creatives formed, and is now continuing in 2024.

Claudia continues to run her design and art studio, and founded a line of luxury silk scarves.

Open City experiences welcomes seekers to our ever-expanding community. We are those who want to meet others and journey into new territory within themselves. 

What we do

Open City experiences provides courses and workshops on the following subjects. We welcome local experts, leaders and visiting ones, too! 

About Us

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