Creatives Quiz

Welcome to your Creatives Quiz! Take this quiz to discover your level of creative liberation and learn to seek the creativity within yourself.

What kind of creative are you?

What medium(s) do you work with?

Is your creativity part of your job?

What is your top goal as a creative?

How often do you express your creativity?

How often would you like to be creating?

Do you have a space dedicated to your creative practice(s)?

What prevents you from creating?

Do you share your work with others?

How often do you feel stuck while creating?

Do you have a solution when your creative blocks come up?

How loud is the voice of the inner skeptic/critic?

What do you do when you get stuck during the creative process?

How do you feel when you are actively creating?

How do you feel after a creative session?

Whay type of creative do you identify yourself with?

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