Dream Map Collage X CARGO
Collaging your desires in a stylish design ambience
Join us for Open City’s signature Vision Mapping Workshop in presence in the gorgeous ambience of the stylish home store Cargo.
Workshop led in Italian with some English translation.
Led by artist Claudia Palmira, this special session will guide you through creating a meaningful collage that expresses your authentic desires.
This workshop is more than just simply a collage of material desires. This workshop helps you tap into your soul’s desires via the subconscious mind, cultivating the inner space required to manifest your greatest vision. From this space, your authentic desires emerge, and you create a clear “map” for your mind to follow to manifest your highest intentions.
What Is A Dream Map Collage?
A Dream Map Collage – or Vision Map, or Desire Map – is a powerful tool that can transform your deeply held visions into reality. It is a physical picture of your desired reality in the form of a collage that you make. Its value is in its clarity — it forms a roadmap that speaks to you personally, which can then attract and focus energy into your dreams and aspirations. Create your vision map with us and watch as it guides you towards a future filled with fulfillment.
Some themes for Vision Maps include:
life’s purpose
current phase goals and desires
Walk Away From This Workshop With:
A collage by you that speaks to your very own inner desires
A new sense of spiritual guidance and connection to your authentic mission
Some new friends through the fun atmosphere of making something together
A clarified sense of purpose and hope about your life’s fulfillment
A sense of peace from the “right brain” / creative activity
Who Can Attend
This workshop is suitable for individuals of all backgrounds and professions who wish to gain clarity on their goals, create a vision for their future, and develop an action plan for success. No art experience is necessary.
About The Facilitator
The workshop will be facilitated by Claudia Palmira. Having led this workshop for over 10 years, Claudia will guide participants through the process, foster engagement, and provide support as needed. Read more about Claudia here.
About the workshop
All art materials are provided
Bring 1-3 magazines to cut up and share with the group
Taught in Italian and English
No prior art experience necessary
The cost for this workshop is $45. Scroll to Book Now and reserve your spot! Prepayment is preferred.
How to Attend
To reserve your spot, scroll and click on the Book Now link – you will have an option to pay online. For any questions regarding online RSVPing, contact reception@opencityexp.com.
We can’t wait to see you at the workshop!